Epoxy Resin River Table in Kent

Application: Commercial Location: Kent Year: 2021

Bespoke live edge epoxy resin river dining table

Epoxy resin river table in Kent – production of this unique epoxy resin river table for a commercial client based in Kent, specialising in high end bespoke pieces to furnish properties in the Alps. Made with the best quality kiln dried oak and top grade river of black epoxy resin, with a gorgeous black stain and resin sanded to a classic matt finish.


An example of an epoxy resin river table in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of epoxy resin river tables in progress in Kent, by Home Statements

The Problem

A Commercial customer based in Kent was looking for some high end pieces of furniture for a client based in the Alps, seeking luxury products to suit and suppliers they can trust. They had reviewed our previous epoxy resin river tables and other epoxy resin design works and commissioned us to make an epoxy resin river table in Kent to compliment the colour scheme and interior design of the property. They had a short timescale to achieve the project to have all their purchases, designed, made and then packed ready for shipping to the Alps ready for pre-Christmas installation.

Part way through production the customer changed their mind from wanting a resin top coated table to a natural wood with dark stain and matt resin finish, which we quickly accommodated.

The workshop is based in North Kent however we service Kent, London, Surrey, Essex, Sussex and parts of all surrounding counties for a map of our usual coverage area please click on ‘this link’ to take you to our google business page, however we are happy to discuss travelling further for larger commercial projects.

Our Solution

During the design consultation for this epoxy resin river table in Kent, discussing with both the purchasing manager whilst also liaising with the in house interior designer, we ascertained the clients specific requirements. They were looking for a live edge wooden river table with dark wood and a matt black finish resin river filling in the gaps. The designer visited the specialist wood wholesaler to select the appropriate kiln dried wood pieces for the project, video calling the interior designer whilst on site to confirm the pieces were going to give the desired look for their vision. Once back in the workshop the designer then proceeded to create the framework for the table, then commenced the skilled and time consuming process of preparing the wood to allow eventually for the resin rivers to bond with the wood. Several other processes took place over the next couple of weeks until finally the black pigment was mixed with the epoxy and the resin river was released to flow through the crevices, encasing the wood and then the table was left to cure. Once hardened the table once again was at the hands of the designer, completing further processes, which involved a lot of delicate sanding, until finally the wood was given it’s beautiful black satin stain and the sanded resin was treated with an oil. Packaged into a solid MDF crate, loaded on the van and delivered to the clients warehouse, where it was checked, re-packed, and transported to the Alps and installed into the customers home.

An example of an epoxy resin river table in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of an epoxy resin river table in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of an epoxy resin river table in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of an epoxy resin river table in progress in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of an epoxy resin river table in progress in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of epoxy resin river tables in progress in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of an epoxy resin river table in progress in Kent, by Home Statements
An example of an epoxy resin river table in progress in Kent, by Home Statements

Further Questions?

If you have any questions at all about any of our existing or potential quality Home Statement products or services then please get in touch.

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